The head and login nodes are Lenovo System x3550 M5 servers, with the following specifications:
- 2x Intel E5-2650 V3 "Haswell" CPUs ( 10 cores/CPU )
- 64GB of memory
- 2x 300GB local disk
Operating System: CentOS 6.6
A combination of 255 Compute Nodes
There are multiple classes of compute nodes on this cluster:
- 191 "Standard" nodes. Each node has 128GB of memory and 2 "Haswell" CPUs ( 10 cores/CPU ).
- 55 "Standard 28" nodes. Each node has 128 GB of memory and 2 "Broadwell" CPUs (14 cores/CPU)
- 13 "Fast Fat" nodes. These nodes have 256GB
- 4 "Fat" nodes. Broadwell CPU with 512 GB ram.
- 2 "Intel Xeon Phi 7120P" nodes
- 2 "nVidia Tesla K80" nodes
- 1 "Supernode" (64 Cores \ 1TB RAM)
- 5888 Total Haswell Cores
Operating System: CentOS 6.6
2 Lenovo System x3650 M5 servers
- These two NSD servers are the storage nodes for the GPFS cluster
- Each node has 2 "Haswell" CPUs ( 12 cores/CPU )
- Each node has 128GB DDR4 Memory
Lenovo GPFS Storage servers - GSS Model 24
- 1.4PB of disk presented to all nodes via GPFS
- All nodes are Infiniband FDR connected
For more Information: Send your email request to
Last Updated: November 8th, 2016