.. _quickstart: Easley Cluster Quick Start Guide ================================ Connect to the Easley Cluster ----------------------------- .. Attention:: If you have not yet submitted account request for the Easley cluster, visit https://aub.ie/hpcacct and complete the form. If you have submitted a request, but have not received an email confirming approval of your account, please contact your PI sponsor to inquire about the status of the request. Pre-Requisites: - Valid Auburn University Account - Approved Easley Cluster Account - SSH Terminal Program - Campus Wired or `VPN Network Connection `_ - `DUO Two-Factor Authentication `_ To connect to Easley, open your favorite SSH client or terminal program, and use ``easley.auburn.edu`` as the hostname and your normal Auburn userid and password as the credentials. For command-line terminals such as Mac OS and Linux, execute the following command ... .. code-block:: console $ ssh @easley.auburn.edu We recommend the `PuTTY SSH Client `_ for Windows users. .. Note:: The Easley cluster uses the Slurm scheduler, not Moab/Torque. Therefore, scheduler commands are different than those used on the Hopper Cluster. Please see our :ref:`easley_guide` for details. Running Batch Jobs ------------------ .. code-block:: console $ sbatch -N -n -J "" Checking Job Status ------------------- .. code-block:: console $ squeue -l $ scontrol show job Viewing Available Partitions (Queues) ------------------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ sinfo $ sinfo -s Viewing Available Software -------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ module avail Loading Software ---------------- .. code-block:: console $ module load / For more detailed information please read the :ref:`easley_guide`.